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NASA's GOES Satellites Provide Real-Time Weather Insights for California.
Real-time satellite imagery from NASA's GOES-East and GOES-West satellites gives Californians critical data on storms, wildfires, and atmospheric conditions.

NASA weather satellite images: An essential resource

NASA’s weather satellite images provide crucial real-time insights into weather conditions in California and beyond, including storms, wildfires, and atmospheric changes.

Mac Douglass profile image
by Mac Douglass

Accurate and timely weather information is crucial for Californians, whether planning daily activities, managing agriculture, or preparing for severe weather events. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center provides real-time satellite imagery from the GOES-East and GOES-West satellites, offering comprehensive visual data for tracking weather systems across California and beyond.

Understanding GOES Satellite Imagery

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) provide continuous monitoring of weather phenomena, offering detailed imagery that enhances our understanding of current and developing weather conditions. These satellites capture data in multiple spectral bands, each serving a unique purpose:

GOES-East Imagery Bands


GOES-East Imagery Bands


GOES-West Imagery Bands


GOES-West Imagery Bands


These comprehensive satellite imagery resources empower Californians to accurately track weather and environmental conditions, supporting preparedness, planning, and safety across the state.

Nasa Worldview

NASA Worldview provides an interactive platform for exploring real-time satellite imagery, helping Californians monitor weather patterns, wildfires, and environmental changes with high-resolution visuals. Powered by NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), Worldview offers an intuitive interface to track atmospheric and land surface conditions using data from multiple satellites.

Explore the interactive NASA Worldview tool above to access the latest satellite imagery in real time.

By leveraging NASA’s near-real-time observations, users can analyze cloud formations, storm systems, and temperature variations that impact California’s weather. This tool is especially useful for emergency response teams, meteorologists, and the general public, providing crucial insights into evolving weather events.

Practical Applications for Californians

Wildfire Management

Shortwave infrared imagery quickly detects wildfires, enabling early response and effective resource allocation to manage and contain fires.

Storm and Flood Preparation

Longwave infrared and water vapor imagery help meteorologists predict storm developments and potential flooding events, giving residents vital preparation time.

Agriculture and Resource Management

Farmers and resource managers rely on near-infrared imagery to monitor snow and ice, essential for irrigation planning and water resource management.

How to Access NASA Satellite Imagery

Californians can easily access interactive satellite images directly through NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center Earth Science Branch website.

Interactive Weather Satellite Imagery Viewers from NASA MSFC

Real-time and regularly updated, these images are invaluable tools for both professional meteorologists and the general public.

Mac Douglass profile image
by Mac Douglass

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